The Dukes of Hazzard show, which aired a decade after the '69 Chargers it starred in, became a part of Charger heritage. The iconic orange paint and '01' numbers were later transplanted onto the 2025 EV. The orange paint accentuates the black grille and unique sunken hood with its massive central power bulge. The General Lee transformation includes digital doors with rendered weld, '01' door graphics, and modern-looking wheels.
The General Lee would be complete without a Confederate flag on the roof, but some people might wish it wasn't there, as attitudes have changed since the final season aired in 1985. The flag is seen by some as a symbol of slavery and racism, which gained prominence after the death of George Floyd in 2020. Mississippi voted to remove the emblem from the state's flag after 126 years, though John "Bo Duke" Schneider from the original show said making a fuss about the General Lee's roof was an example of political correctness working overtime.
The creator of the renderings, @adry53customs, suggests that in a future dominated by boring electric cars, his General Lee would stand out. However, we prefer the hybrid-assisted Hurricane inline six motor that's also expected to feature in Dodge's Charger lineup, and we have a feeling the Duke boys would concur.
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