Peter Sellers, a renowned actor and car enthusiast, owned a custom creation of a 1977 Range Rover, dubbed the Sheer Rover. The company, founded by Bill Wood and Les Pickett in 1947, was known for tuning and offering various conversions of the Mini Cooper in the 1960s. Notable customers included Elton John, Mick Jagger, and Paul McCartney. The Sheer Rover features a slanted, Ferrari Testarossa-style grille, two-tone leather seats, Recaro units in Connolly hide, extra soundproofing, and deep-pile carpets for enhanced comfort. The SUV needs a proper restoration, and the V8 engine should be stock. The odometer shows 76,174 miles, and Sellers owned the vehicle until his death in 1980. The Sheer Rover is an interesting piece of Range Rover history, with an estimated value of £10,000 to £15,000 ($12,617 to $18,925). Auctioned off by Bonhams, the SUV has a high bid of £5,000 ($6,308) with 26 hours to go.
Source: Bonhams
1977 Sheer Rover - RHX 659A from Bonhams|Cars Online on Vimeo.
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